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My Mom is Like a Lovely Rose...

Today's Friday Feature is a woman of surprising ferocity. She is small and petite, but can take out a grown man with a pinky finger and a back flip. She also is a woman of faith and fervent prayer. She basically makes the Proverbs 31 woman look like a slacker. Ok, maybe not, but I'm biased. She had a birthday this week so in her honor of another year, I'll let you in on a bit of her sage advice. Her name is supposedly Sherry, but not to me. Meet my mom. 

How does it feel to be another year older?

Very Blessed! Honestly, I've never been bothered by the thought of getting older ... not the BIG 30 or 40 or 50! My body certainly likes to remind me that I’m getting older … but I can choose to dwell on the aching joints or get up and move them till I don’t notice the pain anymore.  Even allowing my hair to go gray this past year was a freedom that I was glad to embrace - I’ve earned them. 54 is a good year. :)

Using only 4 words describe yourself:

Stubborn, realist, teacher, loved (of course my favorite word is “SheeShee”)! :-D

What advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Don't fall into the death trap of comparison. I wasted much valuable time and life wondering, "Why don’t I have"… “Why am I not"… “Why can’t I do"…   It was a sin that really sent me spiraling into a world of discontent, discouragement and depression. 

What does beauty mean to you, as a woman?

It’s corny, I know - but true beauty really is found within. The older I get, that's the real hope that I have to increase in that beauty ... Even though I may be outwardly wasting away through the natural progression of aging - my inner being has the potential of becoming stronger, gentler, and more beautiful in the ways of the heart. That beauty is a choice, whereas physical beauty isn’t always. 

The glass: Half full or half empty?

Yep, I'm still a glass empty kinda girl ... I'll probably be a pessimist till the end - although I do like to define myself as a “realist” rather than a pessimist. It doesn’t seem nearly as negative!!!

What does it mean to be brave?

To keep standing firm and hanging on, even when you feel like giving up - because my God is faithful. 

What is one bit of advice you would give your granddaughter about being a woman?

Appreciate the gift and blessing of womanhood. With the many struggles we experience as women, there are even more blessings. Embrace the unique ways women love, communicate and nurture. Know that just because our Creator made us the "weaker" one (physically) - doesn't mean we are weak. He made us strong in different ways. It's not a contest between us and men, OR for that matter, between us and other women. The true victory comes in identifying ourselves as the beautiful and treasured daughters of our Abba Daddy God that He has uniquely created for His purpose and pleasure. 

What is an adventure you hope to have one day?

Travel to Ireland with my daughters!!! Maybe someday, when they aren’t getting married, or having babies. But for now, I’m loving the new adventures of being a SheeShee just fine! :)

PS. If you want to know about the title of this post, you'll have to ask her. It's a beautiful story about the virtues of being patient. Over. And over. And...

Sherry lives in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains on the outskirts of a little town called Greeneville, TN. She is a proud Sheeshee to two grandbabies and mom to two of the smartest, wisest, and most lovely daughters. She has been married to a pretty swell guy, Tootie, for many, many years. He does not yet live on the corner of the roof (Proverbs 21:9). She likes cats and taking pictures of barns.